4К коралловым рифам Соломоновых островов

Bruce Carlson Published on Feb 1, 2016
Underwater scenes shot in the Solomon Islands during a diving trip aboard Bilikiki Cruises, Декабрь 1-13, 2015.

Видео: Bruce Carlson, Фотографии: Marj Awai.

Thank you to Pamela and Randy Copus at “2002” for allowing us to use their wonderful music compositionSummer’s Endto accompany our video and photographic scenes of marine life in the Solomon Islands.

There are no new species (well, maybe one clingfish) or discoveries among these video and photographic scenes, but we tried to capture images that would convey how beautiful these reefs and marine animals can be.

Video scenes were captured in 4K using a Sony AX100 camera in a Gates housing, with Sola 2100 video lights. Photos were taken with a Canon 7D Mark II camera in an Ikelite housing with Ikelite 161 strobes. The title scene with the blue Acropora was shot in 4K with a GoPro Hero 4. Final Cut Pro X was used for editing and converted to 1080/MGEG4 using MPEG Streamclip for uploading.

Yes I know the flame angelfish is a touch out of focus. I had no expectation that one would come right up to my lens! Never had that happen

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