hfmFRANZLISZTweimar Published on Feb 23, 2016
Afghanistan was well known for its cultural diversity, and equally renowned for its music. Under the Taliban regime, music was forbidden but many master musicians survived and, along with them, their knowledge. With the Safar project, (‘safar’ means ‘journey’) the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar and the Afghanistan Music Research Centre support Afghan musicians in their efforts to maintain and pass on their invaluable musical traditions and knowledge.
The Safar ensembles consists of the Turkish ney flautist Kudsi Erguner, masters and students of the Afghanistan International Institute of Music (Kabul) as well as students from the Musikgymnasium Schloss Belvedere (Weimar) and three German jazz musicians.
The musicians and their instruments appearing in the concert:
Kudsi Erguner – Ney
Ustad Khial Modh Saqizada – Rubab
Ustad Fraidoon Miazada – Tabla
Ustad Abdul Latif Sharifi – Dhol
Ustad Modh Murad Sarkhosh – Ghichak
Ustad Ahmad Farid Shefta – Clarinet
Christian Kögel – Guitar
Oliver Potratz – Bass
Jan Burkamp – Drums
Students of the Musikgymnasium Schloss Belvedere (Weimar) and the Afghanistan International Institute of Music (Kabul)
Arrangements by Oliver Potratz
Recorded on 30 November, 2015 in the Kaisersaal Erfurt.