Coldplay – Reign of Love – Cover by Cinematic Pop LIVE

Cinematic Pop Published on Aug 20, 2015
This is a cover of the second half of the beautiful Coldplay song “Lovers in Japan / Reign of Love” and it features the Cinematic Pop choir on vocals While the album was a world-wide bestseller, this song is a bit of a hidden gem. It was added to second half of the Lovers in Japan track. So you have to listen to Lovers in Japan all the way through to get to Reign of Love. Sometimes we have to be patient to find love 🙂

This is a beautiful song. We chose it because we felt it would showcase this amazing choir and was a perfect song to adapt into a pure choir piece. This is our first release without a soloist. We hope to do more pieces like this in the future. If you like it, please let us know if the comments and upvote it too. 🙂

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